Speech Therapy Ajax

Communication is an essential part of everyday living. Adequate communication skills are an important aspect of home, community, school and workplace functioning. Meeting and keeping friends requires knowledge of important social communication skills. It is through one’s communication that we get to know about a person’s wants and needs, opinion, ideas, and the essence of who they are.

The Speech Therapy Centres of Canada is a team of dedicated speech-language pathologists (S-LPs or speech therapists) who provide assessments and therapy services for a large variety of communication disorders. Some of the more typical communication difficulties we see in pre-school children include speech difficulties such as difficulty pronouncing sounds, and language delay/disorders including late talkers. Other areas commonly addressed include stuttering, communication disorders associated with autism spectrum disorder and drooling and swallowing difficulties.

In school-aged children, language and speech sound disorders, stuttering, social communication issues, voice issues and the communication deficits we see with learning difficulties and autism spectrum disorder, are commonly addressed at the Speech Therapy Centres of Canada.

In adults, aphasia therapy as a result of a stroke, and voice issues associated with vocal strain and other causes are among the most common concerns addressed by our team of speech-language pathologists. The communication issues observed with Parkinson’s Disease, ALS, and Dementia such as Alzheimers are also addressed. Another area that is part of speech language pathology scope of practice is working on accent modification. This includes assisting people with being easily understood but at the same time retaining the essence of their own culture.

Our speech therapists also assess and treat adults and children who have concussions and mild to severe brain injuries as a result of a motor vehicle accident, sports injury or a slip and fall.

At the Speech Therapy Centres of Canada, our licensed speech-language pathologists (S-LPs) and client relations team members are truly committed to providing the highest quality of service to our clients and their families. After an assessment, our speech therapists create an individualized therapy plan. Our goal is to help every person reach their potential and participate fully at home, within the community, and at school or in the workplace.

Speech Therapy Centres of Canada has clinics across Greater Toronto Area (GTA), including Ajax, to serve preschool children (including toddlers), school aged children, adults, and seniors. In addition to in person therapy, we offer online speech therapy (virtual/ web therapy).

If you have any questions related to speech therapy services in Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and Ajax, please feel free to contact us and our client relations team will be happy to help you.

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Speech Therapy for Preschool Children (including toddlers) in Ajax

Early intervention in children with speech and language difficulties is recommended. The earlier parents or caregivers seek support, the less frustration the child will have when communicating likely resulting in better overall outcomes. However, it is never too late to seek help.

Speech-language pathologists (S-LPs) are the trained professionals to identify, manage and treat problems including droolingstuttering, swallowingpre-school speech and language disorders, and speech and language difficulties in toddlers and children. In typically developing children, there is an age at which certain speech, language and literacy skills achieved, click here to see the Milestone Checklist.

Speech Therapy Centres of Canada addresses the many communications needs of children on the autism spectrum (ASD). Family and client-centred approaches are an essential part of our approach. In addition to teaching and supporting verbal communication our speech pathologists are trained to use the use and teach supportive communication (AAC – alternative and augmentative communication) to ensure meaningful communication occurs when clients have severe speech and language difficulties.

Speech Therapy for Children in Ajax

Speech Therapy Ajax

Speech Therapy for School-Aged Children in Ajax

Adequate communication skills are an essential component of daily activities for school-aged children at home, in the community and at school. These include social communication (making and meeting friends), reading and writing (literacy), understanding instructional language in the classroom and telling well-organized stories with a beginning, middle and end. As children develop, using communication (language) to problem-solve and make decisions is essential. Assessing the necessary basic and complex skills such as problem-solving is just one of the aspects that are evaluated in a speech-language pathology assessment, especially in children with subtle high-level language issues.

A school-aged children’s understanding of instructional language and the increasingly more complex aspects of language (sarcasm, abstract language) are also areas addressed by speech therapists. At this age, speech therapists can assess children that are bilingual to help determine whether a child has a language delay or just needs to catch up with the language skills required for learning in the classroom. At the Speech Therapy Centres of Canada, we frequently see children where more than one language is spoken in the home.

Speech Therapy for young in Ajax

Speech Therapy Ajax

Speech Therapy for Adults and Seniors in Ajax

The Speech Therapy Centres of Canada offers various services tailored to adults. Our speech-language pathologists provide assessments and therapy to people who have aphasia following strokes and other neurological conditions. Communication issues associated with Dementia, Acquired Brain Injury including concussions and Parkinson’s’ Disease are addressed by our team of speech therapists.  Accent Modification, Stuttering and Voice Therapy are other areas we address. Swallowing issues are also commonly addressed by our speech-language pathologists (S-LPs).

Speech language pathologists (S-LPs) can help adults adequately express their wants and needs, opinions and ideas at university, college, in the home, at work and in the community. Providing the tools to ensure meaningful communication is an essential component of our speech therapy program.

For clients with severe speech and language difficulties, our speech pathologists are trained to use supportive communication (AAC – alternative and augmentative communication) to ensure meaningful communication and to reduce frustration. 

Speech Therapy for Seniors in Ajax

Speech Therapy Ajax

Our team at the Speech Therapy Centres of Canada is dedicated to providing our clients and their families in Ajax and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) with a high level of care whether it be in-person sessions at one of our clinics or interactive, secure therapy over the web. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you!

Proudly serving the following locations through our Richmond Hill Ontario office:

Bradford | Vaughan | Maple | Aurora | Woodbridge | Oak Ridges | Stouffville | Markham | North York

Proudly serving the following locations through our Ajax Ontario office:

Stouffville | Uxbridge | Pickering | Whitby | Oshawa | Scarborough

Proudly serving the following locations through our Brampton Ontario office:

Mississauga | Oakville | Milton | Etobicoke | Georgetown | Brampton | Burlington


Aurora | Newmarket | Markham | Thornhill | GTA | Mississauga | Brampton | Burlington | Ajax | Oshawa | Pickering | Ottawa

Speech Therapy Centres of Canada Ltd. is in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.
Our Accessibility Customer Service Policy is available upon request. Please feel free to contact us for more information: oadainfo@speechtherapycentres.com