A child with a speech-language pathologist Understanding Motor Speech Disorder If your child has a motor speech disorder you may notice that he/she can produce specific sounds correctly one time, and differently the next, for example, they can say the word...
Many parents are unsure of when and if to be concerned when their toddler is not yet talking. It is important to remember that a speech-language pathologist can provide comprehensive assessments on even these little kids to help parents identify if a concern exists....
The negative effects of alcohol on the fetus and child have been discussed since the time of Aristotle. He spoke up against prenatal drinking saying that ‘drunken women bring forth children like unto themselves, morosos (sluggish) et languido (weak)’ (Mattson and...
When your child has many speech and language issues and there are many goals to work on in therapy, how does the speech-language pathologist (S-LP) work on EVERYTHING and at the same time ensure therapy is fun and engaging? Speech-language pathologists know that there...
When a child has difficulty with speech and/or language, parents often get all sorts of (well meaning!) advice: “Wait it out”, “He’s a late bloomer”, “She’ll get it eventually”. When should you start to consider the involvement of a speech-language pathologist? The...
Children generally begin to show early phonological awareness when they demonstrate an appreciation of rhyme. For children as young as 4 years old, focusing on rhyme is a good starting place. Rhyming activities you can do at home: Sing fun rhyming songs together, such...