There are many decisions to make and many services available when your child has red flags for ASD or has been diagnosed with ASD. The decision about when and who to see can be very overwhelming. Below is a brief overview of what SLPs do
- Assessments
- Completed by an SLP and/or in collaboration with other professionals
- SLP assessment includes:
- Standardized and informal testing including dynamic observation
- Parent and team reports
- Family and goal discussion
- Goal Development and Therapy Planning
- Parents goals are an essential part of the plan
- Plan for direct therapy, group programs and parent and family training seminars
- Determine best mode of communication that will enhance the communication of the person. Could be verbal.
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
- May be no-tech tools or technology such as iPads and mor.
- Constant discussion and review of progress and goals
- Referral to other team members, if necessary
- All team members work together on communication goals from their specialized perspectives to ensure communication occurs across many environments
SLP support
Increases levels of independence
Help decrease behaviours as communication improves
Help improve participation in home, social life, and community