When I started working many years ago at the Aphasia Centre in Stouffville, I knew that Communication Partner Training (CPT) was an integral part of working with people with aphasia and other acquired brain injuries.

At the time, my role included training volunteers to be communication partners. They communicated using supported communication with people in aphasia groups. 

Today CPT is an essential part of the work we do at the Speech Therapy Centres of Canada with family, friends, and healthcare workers when treating people with acquired brain injury.

Now in 2023, we follow many best practices for communication impairments in Acquired Brain Injury, including stroke, brain injury, and dementia.

What is CPT? 

Communication Partner Training is a form of environmental intervention in which people around the person with aphasia learn to use strategies and communication resources to aid the individual with aphasia. (*Simmons – Mackie et al 2016)

Communication Partner Training improves self-confidence and mood. If a person can be helped by a communication partner (CP) to express their wants, needs, opinion, and ideas they can be helped to show their true selves. It can increase a person’s interaction skills which is an essential part of well-being. 

There are many different techniques and training programs that significant others can participate in with a speech-language pathologist. Relationships and frustration in both the individual with the acquired brain injury and the partner can be improved.

Overall CPT can support increased life participation and should be an essential part of any therapy program for people with an acquired brain injury.

Jeanette Podolsky, Speech-Language Pathologist, reg CASLPO 2119

*Ref: Simmons-Mackie N, Rayner A, Cherney LR (2016). Communication Partner training in Aphasia: An updated systematic review. Archives of Physical and Medical Rehabilitation 97 (12) 2022-2221

The Speech Therapy Centres of Canada is a team of dedicated speech-language pathologists (commonly known as S-LPs or speech therapists) and speech-language pathology assistants (S-LPAs)  who provide assessment and therapy services to children and adults with communication disorders.  Our S-LPS, S-LPAs and support staff are truly committed to providing the highest quality of service to our clients and their families. We understand that navigating the world of speech therapy may be daunting so our client services team is prepared to help you every step of the way.