1. The many transitions that all students have had during the last two pandemic years have greatly impacted their learning, development of communication, and their social skills.

    Students with speech and language disorders in particular, have been adversely affected by the pandemic-related changes which included virtual and hybrid learning. These children have had to re-learn and re-establish familiar routines and schedules. 

    While the long-term impact of the pandemic on communication and social interaction is still unclear, the good news is that children are resilient and can improve greatly with the right support from family members, caregivers and if required a speech-language pathologist.

    Below are ten fun activities you can do at home with your child(ren) to encourage communication development. Please review the milestone chart for age and developmental levels for activities


    1. Share a book – shared book reading at home is probably one of the best ways to stimulate language and of course helps with literacy
    2. Expand upon your child’s attempts to talk – e.g. Child says “orange” and you say “yes, nice orange” or “tasty orange”.
    3. Use rhymes, jingles and finger play for younger children
    4. Clap or tap out each word in a sentence while speaking 
    5. Ask who, what, where, when, why, how questions about topics of interest 
    6. Make up a story together and add or draw pictures – Children from 2-3 begin to tell stories 
    7. Use new vocabulary and repeat new words as often as possible
    8. Read poems, tell jokes
    9. Name and describe objects you use or see
    10. Talk naturally at the appropriate pace – don’t over – exaggerate

    Most of all, MAKE IT FUN! Enjoy these special moments with your child(ren).