Why Does My Child Have a Speech or Language Disorder?

When parents walk through our door, they often want to know ‘WHY’ their child is not understanding and talking like other children; ‘WHY’ they aren’t pronouncing sounds like others; or ‘WHY’ they’re stuttering. Listed below are some factors that are known to...

How to Help Someone with A Communication Disorder

Last week I was in Tim Horton’s when I saw a man trying to order a coffee but he was struggling because of a communication disorder. He was having a difficult time being understood by the Tim Horton’s employee and needed help getting his money out of his wallet...

Some Tips to Work on Early Language During Bathtime

When life gets busy it can be hard to find time to work on your child’s early language skills, BUT you can enhance your child’s communication during everyday activities that you’re already doing! Here are some tips on how to facilitate communication during bath time....