The Picky Eater

The Role of the Speech-Language Pathologist Plays Feeding Assessment and Therapy Speech-language pathologists play a very important role when working with children who have feeding difficulties and/or are picky eaters. Speech-language pathologists have knowledge of...
I Think My Child Has a Stutter…What Do I Do?

I Think My Child Has a Stutter…What Do I Do?

Many children go through a period of normal dysfluencys during the preschool years as they learn to put sounds, words and sentences together. Normal dysfluencys include word and phrase repetitions and hesitations. Some children, however, develop a speech that includes...

Help! My Child is a Picky Eater!!

Dropped plates, thrown foods, defiant screams…. Mealtimes with toddlers can be difficult at the best of times! But having to deal with a toddler who is also a picky eater can make mealtimes even more stressful. Most people don’t know that speech-language...

Age-by-Age: Helping Your Child with Early Literacy

As our children get ready to go back to school or daycare, it is a great time to freshen up on our “teaching” skills as parents. Below are a few helpful tips on how you can make early literacy a priority (and more interesting!) for your little ones. 2-3...